Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lovin' TOMS!

I finally managed to buy a pair of TOMS! Was almost discouraged in ever finding them in my size here in the Phils. but thanks much to a friend's tip, I got my very first pair today at Trinoma. It was a contest between the Journey or the Tie Dye Blue Denims but the latter won out. Maybe come April, I'll get the Journey. Pretty apt timing since I'll be trippin' a short time after that for my month-long vacay. Woot! Woot!

The fit's really snug since TOMS come in narrow widths but according to their site, depending on the demand of the market, they might just come out with other sizes. I don't really mind since my feet are of the slim sort so this aspect isn't much of an issue for me. Anyway, I overheard the sales clerk say to a fellow buyer that they were waiting for additional designs to be delivered. When that rolls around, I might just find myself with a new one. I've my eyes set on a couple of designs but natch, I'm still weighing my finances. These things don't come in cheap packages so unless there're discounts, I won't be as impulsive in buying new pairs until after July.